tclip now has a new theme, org-mode rendering, and runs without CGo.
- Sometimes you need to paste text between your machines or coworkers. tclip is a Tailscale-powered pastebin that lets you do just that.
- The new HTTP headers in Tailscale Serve are great and they made a bunch of Xe's code irrelevant. Here's how.
- Xe's Tailscale Up talk about how to use tsnet in your services, complete with many personal examples.
- Tailscale Funnel is now available as a Go library you can embed directly in your programs.
- libtailscale: a Tailscale C library. Using the Go toolchain to build a c-archive tsnet package that uses a userland network stack to implement TCP/IP inside a process.
- tevents is a small tool to be deployed in your tailnet to collect events/hooks from other services. By using tsnet, it can be deployed as a virtual private service. This allows to centrally collect events in your network and display them on a web interface.