Statusbar UI for Tailscale Kevin López and Rodrigo Sanabria built a Tailscale UI for Ubuntu. We think it's a pretty cool contribution and recommend trying it out.
Using Tailscale and FreeNAS (or TrueNAS CORE) Together Brian Moses (who we feature regularly on this newsletter) walks through installing Tailscale on a server appliance, for folks that have a FreeNAS or TrueNAS.
Build a Raspberry Pi Kubernetes Cluster with k3s, Ansible, and Tailscale Sam Linville takes a deep dive into how to build and secure a Raspberry Pi cluster. He shares how to secure cluster nodes with Ansible, connect the nodes to Tailscale, prepare images for Raspberry Pi, and assemble the hardware.
Pi-hole, Unbound & Tailscale GitHub user 0xmachos details how to configure a mesh VPN with your own DNS using Unbound, Pi-hole, and Tailscale.
Pat and Brian Discuss How They're Each Using the Zero-Config Mesh VPN Pat Regan and Brian Moses talk about computer networking at home. In particular, the number of different ways that they are each using Tailscale, a zero-configuration mesh VPN to securely access things they're self-hosting.
Tutorial: Tailscale on AWS with Terraform The team over at Media Machine demonstrates how to setup Tailscale on AWS with Terraform.
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